Take a look at what I've been working on!

Travel landing page

Built using HTML, CSS, and JS. Click on the "Change theme" button and see the magic ✨

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Responsive landing page

Built using purely HTML and CSS. The page includes grids, cards, and relevant embeds for visitors who are willing to travel to Egypt 🙌

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Built using HTML, CSS, JS, and API integration. Let's check the weather forecast of your favorite city!

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World Clock

A world that updates every second clock built using HTML, CSS, and JS 🕧🕜

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React WeatherApp

Built using React, with API integration and animated weather icons. I am very proud of the outcome 😀

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React Dictionary App

Built using React and two different APIs to get not only phonetics, synonyms, and definitions, but also images related to your search 🔎

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Technologies I use and general skills I have:

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